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The author would like to point out that she’s a writer, not a lexicographer, so these do not follow any official pronunciation guidelines. The intent is clarity, not perfection.
These pronunciations include people and places from The Sylvan and the Sand and The Flame and the Forsaken.
Alessia- Ah-less-ee-uh
Aliksander- Alek-san-der
Anatole- Anna-toll
Augustine- Aug-uh-steen
Braeloch- Bray-lock
Byrne- Burn
Destin- Dess-tinn
Erran- Err-ann
Hamish- Hay-mish
Hestia- Hess-tcha
Khallum- Cal-umm
Khoulter- Coal-turr
Korah- Core-uh
Loch Ethereal- Lock Eh-theer-ee-ul
Magnur- Mag-nurr
Ofaelia- Oh-fail-ee-uh
Perevil- Pear-uh-vul
Rehor- Ray-hoar
Remy- Rem-ee
Rutland- Rut-lynd
Rylahn- Rye-lann
Sancha- Sahn-chah
Sessaly- Sess-uh-lee
Terrowin- Tear-oh-win
Warwick- War-wick
Warwicktown- War-wick-town
Yanna- Yawn-uh
Yesenia- Yuh-senn-ee-uh
Pronounced as expected- Angelika, Ashdown, Astin, Argus, Blackpool, Drummond, Iron Hill, Everspring, Foss, Garrick, Goldsea Spires, Esmerelda, Jesse, Koss, Law, Lem, Mistgrave, Obsidian Sky, Ransom, Ryan, Samuel, Sandycove, Strong, Whitecliffe
Antioch- Ann-tee-ock
Arboriana- Arr-bore-ee-ann-uh
Chasten- Chass-tinn
Corin- Core-inn
Drystan- Driss-tin
Mariana- Mare-ee-ann-uh
Quinlanden- Quinn-lann-den
Riona- Ree-oh-nuh
Saorsie- Seer-shuh
Sylvaine- Sill-vain
Pronounced as expected: Aiden, Claire, Gretchen, Lorne, Mads, Skylark, Tristan, Waters, Whitechurch
Alric- Al-rick
Asherley- Ash-err-lee
Assyria- Uh-seer-ee-uh
Cerridwyn- Care-uh-dwinn
Correen- Core-een
Darrick- Dare-ick
Dereham- Dare-uh-ham
Earwyn- Ear-winn
Eoghan- Yo-an
Florian- Floor-ee-ann
Gwyn- Gwinn
Khain- Cane
Maeryn- Mare-inn
Oster- Oss-tur
Rhiagain- Rye-gain
Pronounced as expected: Holden, Blackwood