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The author would like to point out that she’s a writer, not a lexicographer, so these do not follow any official pronunciation guidelines. The intent is clarity, not perfection.
These pronunciations include people and places from The Claw and the Crowned and The Duke and the Disciple.
Calder- Cawl-dur
Carrow- Care-oh
Clarisan- Clare-iss-ahn
Dacian- Day-see-in
Godivah- Guh-dive-uh
Ilynglass- Ill-in-glass
Isdemus- Iz-dee-muss
Lysanor- Lee-san-orr
Mortain- More-tane
Oldwin- Old-winn
Rhiagain- Rye-gain
Torian- Tore-ee-in
Yvaine- Ee-vain
Pronounced as expected: Duncarrow
Adamina- Ad-uh-meen-uh
Aloysha- Ah-loy-shuh
Alyse- Ah-lease
Dhovaeys- Doh-vae-ss
Drummond- Drum-und
Drushan- Drew-shann
Farrestell- Fair-ess-tell
Fenring- Fenn-ring
Glaisgain- Glass-gain
Imryll- Imm-rull
Luthyas- Looth-yus
Melantha- Mell-ann-thuh
Octavyen- Ock-tave-ee-in
Privaine- Pra-vane
Rahn- Ran
Tasmin- Taz-minn
Teleria- Ta-lair-ee-uh
Tindahl- Tin-dull
Drazhan- Dray-zin
Farradyn- Fair-ah-dyn
Tarsten- Tar-stin
Wynter- Winter
Pronounced as expected: Blackfen, Bythesea, Garrick, Iron Hill, Kav, Owen, Rush Rider, Sandycove, Strong, Waters
Arboriana- Arr-bore-ee-ann-uh
Marcelina- Marr-sill-ee-nuh
Marius- Mare-ee-uss
Oakenwell- Oak-in-well
Quintus- Quinn-tis
Pronounced as expected: Francis, Whitechurch
Aesylt- Ee-silt
Aleksy- Uh-leck-see
Asa- Ahh-suh
Cassius- Cass-ee-us
Castel- Cass-uhl
Emira- Uh-meer-uh
Elara- Uh-larr-uh
Esker- Ess-kurr
Fezzan- Fezz-ann
Kilgore- Kill-gore
Maia- Mya
Marek- Mair-ick
Niklaus- Nick-liss
Valerian- Vuh-lair-ee-enn
Pronounced as expected- Anton, Ezra, Fanghelm, Hraz, Summerton, Tessa
Halifax- Hal-eh-fax
Felice- Feh-lease
Kezza- Kezz-uh
Hadden- Had-den
Nyssa- Niss-uh
Pieter- Pee-turr
Rustan- Russ-tin
Pronounced as expected- Wulfsgate
ahen vodah- ah-hen voh-duh
auvjek- ahv-yek
dobranok- doh-brann-uck
dobryzen- dobb-ree-zenn
frata- frah-ta
grimizhna tea- grimm-ish-nah tea
hej- hey
hejka- hey-kuh
kahk si- Cock see
koldyna- coal-dee-nuh
kyschun/kyschuna- kai-shoon/kai-shoo-nuh
nien- nyen
Nok Mora- Knock More-uh
oma- oh-mah
onkel- on-kell
opros- oh-pros
ota- oh-tah
pjika- peek-uh
pros- pross
sostra- soss-truh
stranjak- strann-yak
tak- tock
uljez- ool-yezz
vedhma/veduhn- vedd-muh/vedd-oon
Vjestik- Vyess-tick
Vjestikaan- Vjess-tick-ann
volemthe- voe-lemmth
vozhdae- voze-day
vozhd- vozed
Vuk od Varem- Vook odd Vare-um
zolvha- zoll-vuh
zydolny- zill-doe-nee