Guardians Cycle Pronunciation Guide

The following is a pronunciation guide for the characters and locations from the Guardians Cycle of The Book of All Things

Content is copyrighted, and should not be shared without proper credit.

The author would like to point out that she’s a writer, not a lexicographer, so these do not follow any official pronunciation guidelines. The intent is clarity, not perfection.

These pronunciations include people and places from The Altruist and the Assassin and The Belle and the Blackbird.


Adynara- Add-inn-are-uh

Aurelia- Ah-reel-ee-ah

Delano- Dell-inn-oh

Emrys- Emm-riss

Jemma- Jem-uhh

Jesstin- Jess-tinn

Mathias- Muh-tie-us

Rhiainach- Rhee-inn-auck/Rhee-in

Pronounced as expected: Finola, Revenants, Riverchapel, Riverhelm Citadel, Skylark, Steward, Stewardess, Whitten

The Resplendent Reliquary of the Guardians

Falkirk- Fahl-kirk

Feltram- Fell-trum

Gasparde- Gass-pard

King Karsein- Car-sign

Ludmilla- Lewd-milla

Rikard- Rick-arrd

Tyrilla- Tie-rilla

Pronounced as expected: All Reliquary Titles, Claire, Guardians (in all their iterations), Reliquary, Sacred Texts


Adeline- Add-uh-line

Fransiska- Fran-siss-kuh

Evert- Evv-errt

Olov- Oh-lawv

Penhallow- Pen-hal-oh

Pernilla- Purr-nil-uh

Rikard- Rick-arrd

Tyreste- Tear-est

Pronounced as expected: Agnes, Parth, Tavern at the Middle of the World

Witchwood Cross

See the Parth section for any Penhallows who originated there

Aleksy- Uh-leck-see

Aloysha- Uh-loy-sha

Anastazja- Awna-stawz-yuh

Arkhady- Arr-kay-dee

Arsenyev- Arr-senn-yev

Barynov- Barry-nawv

Belzykh- Bell-zick

Drago- Dray-go

Drazhan- Dray-zenn

Elyria- Uh-leer-ee-uh

Faustina- Faow-stee-nuh

Feyhan- Fay-han

Francisz- Fran-siss

Glaisgain- Glass-gain

Grigor- Grigg-orr

Imryll- Imm-rull

Ksana- Kss-ah-nuh

Lenik- Lenn-ick

Ludya- Lood-yuh

Magda- Magg-duh

Mishka- Mish-kuh

Nikolaj- Nee-koh-lie

Octavyen- Ock-tay-vyenn

Olek- Oh-leck

Paeris- Pear-iss

Petrovash- Pet-roh-vash

Raelyria- Ray-leer-ee-uh

Raisa- Rye-suh

Stepan- Step-on

Stojan- Stow-yan

Varradyn- Vaer-uh-dyn

Zofia- Zoh-fee-uh

Pronounced as expected- Northerlands, Ravenwood, Witchwood Cross, Wynter


Vjestik Translations

ahen vodah- ah-hen voh-duh

dobranok- doh-brann-uck

dobryzen- dobb-ree-zenn

frata- frah-ta

grimizhna tea- grimm-ish-nah tea

hej- hey

hejka- hey-kuh


kahk si- Cock see

koldyna- coal-dee-nuh

kyschun/kyschuna- kai-shoon/kai-shoo-nuh

nien- nyen

Nok Mora- Knock More-uh

onkel- on-kell

opros- oh-pros

ota- oh-tah

pjika- peek-uh

pros- pross

sostra- soss-truh

stranjak- strann-yak

tak- tock

uljez- ool-yezz

vedhma/veduhn- vedd-muh/vedd-oon

Vjestik- Vyess-tick

Vjestikaan- Vjess-tick-ann

volemthe- voe-lemmth

vozhdae- voze-day

vozhd- vozed

Vuk od Varem- Vook odd Vare-um

zolvha- zoll-vuh

zydolny- zill-doe-nee