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The author would like to point out that she’s a writer, not a lexicographer, so these do not follow any official pronunciation guidelines. The intent is clarity, not perfection.
These pronunciations include people and places from The Melody and the Master and The Hand and the Heart.
Chrest- Crest
Gawain- Guh-wain
Moira- Moy-ruh
Rohan- Roe-inn
Siofra- Sea-off-ruh
Stiofen- Stee-oh-fen
Willem- Will-um
Pronounced as expected: Marina, Newcarrow, Stanhope, Steward, Stewardess, Thornheart
Aio- Eh-oh
Amaralotte/Lotte- Ah-marh-uh-lot/Lah-tee
Arenn- Air-enn
Arranden- Uh-ran-den
Atio- Uh-tee-oh
Desemir- Des-uh-meer
Elspeth- Ells-peth
Euric- Your-ick
Farren- Fair-enn
Gautier- Gaw-tee-eh
Gisela- Jiss-ella
Jocosta- Joe-coss-ta
Lieken- Like-en
Ludwik- Lewd-vik
Naos- Nay-oss
Pesha- Pesh-uh
Prentiss- Prenn-tiss
Trevanion- Truh-van-yun
Wintersin- Winter-sin
Wulfhelm- Wulf-helm
Pronounced as expected: Bennett, Cassius, Darkwood Run, Edmond Rolfe, Elaina, Felwood, Hughbert, Klaus, Lidia, Northerlands, Pearl, Shadowfen Hall, Weaver
Adir- Uh-deer
Aoife- Ee-fuh
Asgill- Az-gill
Cassair- Cass-air
Clahnn- Clan
Cosa- coe-suh
Datu- Daa-too
Elodie- Ell-oh-dee
Ensel- Enn-sell
Esta- Ess-tuh
Fanne- Fan
Fayda- Fae-duh
Fiachra- Fee-awk-ruh
Gellais- Jel-ace
Kaia- Kye-uh
Lian- Lee-inn
Mairead- Mare-ee-add
Mayke- Make
Medvedev- Med-veh-dev
Niallan- Nye-uh-lahn
Ruairi- Roo-aye-ree
Termonglen- Turr-mun-glen
Theta- Thay-tuh
Vaya- Vye-uh
Vjestik- Vyes-tick
Pronounced as expected- Hinterlands, Chieftainess